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Stealthy - send ETH to an ENS name without publishing to the world that they got coins


Stealthy screenshot 1
Stealthy screenshot 2
Stealthy screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Stealth addresses are standard Ethereum addresses, that are created by using existing wallet public key (for example public key that was used to create someone's ENS address) and performing Elliptic Curve multiplication of this public key with random number. Then a sender can send coins to this newly generated stealth address, and the ENS owner can access coins in this address by performing EC multiplication of the random number with his ENS private key.Source of the idea:https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1245149156043350016https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp3cDq2LiBM&t=1156s


The project use ENS integration where senders can send ETH to publicly known ENS name. It also integrates with XMTP network to share the random number between Sender and ENS name holder. XMTP conversations and messaging are utilized in one way - from Sender to Receiver. Receiver can then use the messages with random number, to generate Stealth address and associated private key.Besides that, Stealthy is a standard web application build with React and integrated with MetaMask wallet.


ETHOnline 2022



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