Block based NFT catcher with 3d visualization Block based NFT catcher with 3d visualization

Problem Statement
I added Unlock NFT claiming to this on my previously built visualizer. I imagine that disqualifies me but I want to submit anyhow.I am getting my submission in mainly to make sure I can have my .02 eth back. I do not anticipate a prize for this. This box requires more words so... here they are.
Uses 3.js and XState to represent the blocks. Unlock to back them with NFTs.The Unlock crew was super helpful helping me learn the basics of ethers and connecting to an external contract. Thanks to Angela & Julien.More words more words! More words more words!More words more words!More words more words!More words more words!More words more words!
ETHSanFrancisco 2022
- UI369
3 contributions