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TagYourTree provides a way to track proof of plantation leveraging geotagging technology, with its data stored on IPFS and reward the users with an #TGT NFT for taking care of plants consistently.


TagYourTree screenshot 1
TagYourTree screenshot 2
TagYourTree screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Numerous NGOs raise funds and claim to have planted a huge number of plants with those amount. But it is impossible to track whether new plants are being planted at different locations or whether those who claim to have planted trees have actually done so. Additionally, there is no structured way to monitor the growth of plants once they are planted.We also encourage individuals to plant by rewarding them with an NFT which acts as their proof of plantation and making them inclusive in the community.We keep track of the plant along the span of its growth by making the people to upload weekly pictures of the tree.NGOs can leverage this application by being accountable for their proof of plantations which will eventually help them raise funds green and clean.


We use IPFS for hosting the images of plants and their metadata. Django framework is used for server-side, whereas HTML/Tailwind CSS and JS is used for frontend. Solidity is used for the NFT smart contract which is deployed on Polygon Mumbai testnet. Coming to the workflow of our application, Users can use the application to register themselves(just a metamask login) and upload the pics of plantation on a weekly basis. User will need to take the picture with its 'location service' on. We analyze the weekly pictures submitted and monitor the growth. We'll reward the user with an NFT(Proof of plantation) after a period of 4 weeks of the first upload. All these images are uploaded to IPFS and metadata of the NFT metadata is generated based on geolocation and name of the plant. Based on the metadata response hash from IPFS we enable the user to claim an NFT deployed on Polygon which is rewarded to the user based upon his/her plantation record.


HackFS 2022

