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The Time When I Built A FIFA Prediction NFT Raffle

A Simple NFT Raffle pool to predict Ongoing FIFA World Tournament.


The Time When I Built A FIFA Prediction NFT Raffle screenshot 1

Problem Statement

As the web3 progressing towards the awareness regime from years of speculations and bubbles. It's about time WE PROGRESS towards world DAppify and massly use web3 apart from just munde Invest and trade on cex.BUT UNFORTUNATELY DUE TO THE ACTION OF CERTAIN CEX [FTX] GOT US REKTed PUSHING THE WORLD TO MORE TO SPECULATE THAN UNDERSTANDing THE ETHOS OF WEB3The TRUST has been shaken. This has resulted in major People trying to move out of web3 or move to BAHAMAS. Solving this TRUST problem is hard. But as I broke down this problem statement I find my solution is,Value, Vesting of Emotion and Transparency. =>Value - Block of transaction indicating the crowd. =>Vesting of Emotion - Usage of Dapps. =>Transparency - The Chain. Thus, this time during the #ETHINDIA Hackathon ***I BUILT A SIMPLE FIFA PREDICTION AND RAFFLE NFT DAPP :HTTPS://WAGMI.FOOTBALL***Q. How to use the WAGMI.FOOTBALL?Visit wagmi.football, select your favorite team and mint your nft.


To get more people to mint. But WAGMI


ETHIndia 2022