Tide Protocol
Tide protocol is a new tool at the disposal of NFT and Crypto business development teams. We want to make marketing campaigns for this industry more efficient, effective, and transparent.

Problem Statement
This project is a tool that allows crypto business development teams with managing their incentivized campaigns. Tide allows them not only to reward users that complete certain actions, but also target their audience based on on-chain history of their wallets. The custom modules Tide gives at the disposal of campaign owners are designed to reward active members of communities and cut out bots and users that are in only for short term gains.
Tide uses a custom subgraph hosted on theGraph hosted-service to store on-chain interactions of wallets with target NFT collection, to assign them a score (based on parameters such as average holding time and number of mints). To track web2 activity, Tide uses Ceramic's Self.id to connect web3 and web2 identities and the apis of sites such as Twitter to retrieve needed data. We also host campaign data that isn't needed for the smart contracts on IPFS. For the on-chain side, we deployed a factory contract that deploys custom campaigns with parameters given by the caller. We also deployed a contract for each criteria that a user should satisfy to be rewarded and the actions needed to reward such user. The actions chosen by the deployer of the campaign are added on the campaign contract using EIP-2535 standard (Diamond pattern) to let the campaign be as customizable as possible and allow easy upgrades to the modules without compromising previously deployed campaigns.
HackFS 2022