A social app powered by web3 technology that maximizes transparency and ownership of data.

Problem Statement
This project allows people to have fun with each other on web3. The users create profiles with DIDs (Decentralized identity) & Soulbound NFT. They can add more fields to their profile to match with a versatile group at their wish.Once matched with others, the users can start a direct chat with them. If any bad behavior happens, users can report users and users have their own reputation score.If they don't like their match or want to share their match, they can trade it on the marketplace. People can chat with the new match they just bought.For more information, check out our gitbook: https://tind3r.gitbook.io/tind3r/
The project is built on the Polygon network with two main smart contracts:Membership contract that governs the reputation and membership of usersMatching contract for liking and matching with other users.All the user data and user settings are stored on the ceramic network and the users can manage their own data by IDX. The entire user list of the application can be queried fastly through Tableland. We built our web client with Next.js, and we hope to build a mobile client version.If you are interested in discussing the potential development of this project or giving feedback, feel free to reach out. I'd love to take in any advice. Find me on Twitter @billionxdev or GitHub @jeff0723.
HackFS 2022
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🏊♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize
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3️⃣5️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Storage Mage
- jeff0723
87 contributions
- crypto-leverager
28 contributions
- bchen1029
13 contributions
- gregshen0925
12 contributions