Tokenized Award Badges
Creating and issuing digital badges that represent an accomplishment and are linked to one or more digital assets.

Problem Statement
Digital badges as NFTs can motivate students, can be "stacked" as microcredentials, and can include fungible tokens - thus with ERC 1155 fulfilling the "soulbound" token concept, but without creating a new protocol. The GetSmart token system will ensure peer-to-peer verifiable credentials for accomplishments through a non-institutional structure for the creation and issuance of credentials. The functions in the smart contract include:Creating Badges - Badges can be created by the sponsors with parameters describing the badge price, expiration time and the total no. of copies for the given badgeAbility To Renew Badges - Badges can be renewed so that they don’t expire. This is a functionality available to the sponsors using which they can extend the lifespan of their Badges.Applying For Badges - This is a functionality which only the students can access. Students can apply for badges through badge Ids after which the sponsors can transfer them the badges.Claim Badge Price - Students can claim their tokens for the badge price, after which they’ll receive the associated ERC-20 token for their badge.
There are a few issues with the platform but overall it's a Web3 alternative to digital badges. The biggest problem yet to be solved is the fees related to minting the NFTs and transferring the tokens. We are still whether to use Polygon, Optimism, Skale, or another EVM solution and also whether to connect with Open Sea or another NFT platform. Proposed: Frontend : Angular, HTML, CSS Backend : Node.js Backend framework : Express.js Blockchain : Ethereum Smart Contract : Solidity Wallet : Metamask Email : Custom SMTP SMS : AWS SNS or firebase or twilio (if required) Realtime event subscription : Database : MongoDB Server : AWS (cloud) Gateway : Express API Gateway API Testing : Swagger Log management : ELK stack using Winston package Cache : Redis Trade data feeds : Apache Kafka Unit test : Mocha Chai IFPS : to keep document record
ETHNewYork 2022
- get-smart-token
2 contributions