Truth Machine - Party Of Decided Voters Determine Truthfulness/Legitimacy Of Proposals Submitted

Problem Statement
The Truth Machine: Anyone can submit a research proposal, article, etc. The selected group of voters can decide if the submission is "True", or research performed in good faith. This url/citation link can be verified with a function for further verification in other paper citations and etc. A truth consensus/verification machine.
I wrote the smart contract in vyper, tested functions with brownie, forked a front end from an alchemy tutorial, then modified the react code to interact with my functions. My goal in this hackathon was to create a fully encompassing interesting dapp by myself which I have not done before. The react/javascript was really hard to figure out, I need to practice that! I am really happy I was able to connect a front end to my contract. In the past I have just used brownie to play/test with contracts. I am happy I was able to use this hackathon to learn, and create a full dapp. I am disappointed I wasnt able to integrate something cool like superfluid staking into my dapp or something else interesting. Maybe at the next one!
ETHNewYork 2022
- stackaccount1
23 contributions