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Upside Competitions


#upsidecomp is a launchpad that provides brands the opportunity to monetise the launch of their NFT product through no-loss giveaways


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Problem Statement

#upsidecomp is a launchpad that provides brands the opportunity to monetise the launch of their NFT product through no-loss giveaways. We were inspired by the use of PoolTogether for no-loss lotteries and applied it to NFT giveaways to provide a proveably fair and transparent way to do giveaways and move away from the fake giveaways and drops which are prevalent on Twitter.


Project is a fork of Pool Together's No-Loss Pools but optimized for NFT giveaways. We use Solidity and etherjs for front-end and we have built on the Rinkby testnet working together with the Bankless DAO community to build a product that works with their $BANK token which is a social token that gives access to their Discord channel. We had to hack a solution that created a $upBANK token that gives equivalent rights to the private Discord whilst 'staking' their $BANK in the contract.


ETHOnline 2021

