Utilities for Vyper
Convenient on-chain state compression via secure hashes and compiler-verified proofs

Problem Statement
https://github.com/vyperlang/vyper/issues/2892 Build support into the compiler (vyper) for storing a secure hash of arbitrary data (e.g. a struct), and then "unpacking" (validating) the data back from a user-provided "proof" in calldata. Smart contract developers can conveniently compress (hash) their data and re-hydrate it with the "proofs".
We used the Vyper compiler (Python3). Charles (on the vyper team) helped us get started by copying/modifying compiler primitives for arrays and abi.encode. From there, we modified the type details to make this work on arbitrary structs/type. So you can have Witness[MyStruct] or Proof[MyStruct]. Our team was brand new to EVM compilers, and we got the parsing working really quickly!
ETHNewYork 2022
- jacqueswww
1326 contributions
- iamdefinitelyahuman
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644 contributions
- DavidKnott
361 contributions
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111 contributions
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100 contributions
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