W3 Citizens
The project gives a non-transferable ID of identity to every “real” citizen that associates its biometric data, official credentials, and wallet. Users store their credentials to interact in the physical world and to validate their identity in the virtual one.

Problem Statement
Aligned to security, privacy, and integration of data principles for Web3. The user will validate his humanity using the WorldCoin ecosystem, connect his wallet, and add his official credentials this lets him be identified.The data will be stored in the blockchain previously modified by a smart contract to preserve anonymity. If the user requires to be identified on the Web just has to connect its wallet, then if requires to show any credential physically, can generate a QR easily scannable for authorities due the matched of institutional information brought all his registers
How it is made. Technologies used: We use mainly connection with Worldcoin which allows us to validate and have proof of humanity, which is our first step to creating the digital identity. This was used together with solidity and react to build our front and have a nice final user design that allows users to interact and see their credentials once they passed the verifications.
ETHOnline 2022