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web3 Mailinglist with blue checkmarks

Blue checkmarks for web3 mailinglists to prevent phishing scams


web3 Mailinglist with blue checkmarks screenshot 1
web3 Mailinglist with blue checkmarks screenshot 2
web3 Mailinglist with blue checkmarks screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Web3Mailserver is an mailinglist server for web3 companies to protect their users against phishing scams. The project was inspired by the Celo mailinglist hack in March where hackers took over Celo's mailing list.Web3Mailserver signs every mailing list mail with an Ethereum key using EIP-712.We have extended the ENS subdomains standard (ENSIP 10) and offchain resolution (EIP 3668) to verify email addresses for added security.


I believe that in order to onboard the next wave of new-to-crypto users, we need to make crypto a lot easier to use. One way of achieving that is to focus on easy to use mobile apps. However, most eth tools are not focused on that.This project is built in Swift and the goal is to create at least 4 pull requests (to MEWwalletKit and Web3Swift and others) to improve the Ethereum Swift tools.For that reason the server itself is written using Vapor (a Swift web app server). Not an obvious choice, but great to build new tools and contribute those back to the Swift community.


ETHSanFrancisco 2022



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