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Support your creators by staking crypto allowing them to receive the interests and receive an NFT as a proof of support


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Problem Statement

This project allows creators to set up a page to be sponsored by users. Users can stake crypto for a set period of time and they write a comment, once this period is fulfilled, the user recovers their crypto and the creator receives the interest that the crypto produces. As a prize for fulfilling the staking period, the comment becomes an NFT that the user now owns, and is proof that he supported the creator.


The project is divided in a server, that utilizes Pokt and Tatum to interact with the contracts, upload IPFS data and compile the multiple sources of information in a single request; a smart contract that extends the ERC-721 interface and adds DeFi capabilities using Swivel Finance; and finally a front end app, which utilizes Wallet Connect to authenticate, Optimism, Polygon, Cronos, Skale and Boba to interact with the blockchain (at the user's preference). Finally, the front end is deployed using Valist


ETHNewYork 2022



  • 🏆

    🥇 Swivel — Best Use

  • 🏆

    🚀 Optimism — Just Deploy!

  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ Pocket — Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🥇 Valist — Best Use

  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🆙 Tatum — Up and Coming

  • 🏆

    🔟 IPFS/Filecoin — Top 10
