Zero Party Data
zeroPartData uses zero knowledge proof to verify eligibility for gifts & discount offers by Brands.

Problem Statement
Zero-party data is data that a customer intentionally and proactively shares with a brand. My project ZeroPartyData uses zk-snarks to verify is user is eligible for latest gift or offers.Project requires users to submit information about their Work-type, Age & income. This is suppose to be checked against eligibility criteria for availing discount offer.Personal data is not stored on-chain, however zero knowledge proof allows us to verify all 3 criteria. If proved, user address is noted for availing discount offer.
zk-SNARK based ZeroPartyData provides data protection, so when users connect to a third party, it never discloses personal data. But allows one to prove personal information .STACK USED:BACKEND FRAMEWORK : Hardhat + SolidityZERO KNOWLEDGE PROOF : zk-snarks created using Circom 2.0 & snarkjs.FRONTEND: Nextjs + ether.jsNETWORK: PolygonSPONSORSPolygon: solves common blockchain pain points, offering low gas fees and high speeds without sacrificing security.Spheron: Spheron is the simplest, fastest and most convenient way to deploy your web apps and projects onto Decentralized Cloud StorageCHALLENGES :I learnt Zero Knowledge concepts. Started writing circuits using Circom 2.0 . Bringing all piece togather for creating fullstack dapp was a big challenge. snarkjs library is to be used inside hardhat & frontend to allow proof creation inside UI. Verification done by on-chain contract.ACHIEVEMENT:Understanding Zero Knowledge concepts for the first time was tough but exciting. After very long time found something so cutting edge.
HackFS 2022
- mekhiya
10 contributions