Explore 980+ Rust blockchain projects. Find inspiration, code examples, and learn from successful implementations.
Non-transferable Badges for Maker Ecosystem Activity (CDIP 18).
XOPTS. Bitcoin-native Options on Ethereum: insure against Bitcoin price crashes by buying Dai options on Ethereum. Execute the option completely trustless without the need to get wrapped Bitcoins or lock your Bitcoin.
A decentralized expense settlement solution on Ethereum.
We're going to build a decentralized replacement for Medium based on IPFS+ENS.
An overlay network built around swarms to provide routing and storage with plausible deniability.
Interoperable, Non-dependent Microservice Protocols enabling Payments, Distribution, and Authentication for Decentralized Content
CoCreate allows song-writers & lyricists to work together with musicians and music producers to create music together.
Fast and tiny rust library, CLI tool, and npm package to generate CIDs without a full IPFS client
Powerful Plasma Alternative using an Abstract TTP for Off-Chain Scaling
Completely trustless defi insurance protocol to insure against smart contract hacks
Grow and harvest NFTs. A mix between a game and art collecting platform.
Crypto Pear (or just Pear) is a crypto-to-item trading exchange and market place