Explore 3076+ Defi blockchain projects. Find inspiration, code examples, and learn from successful implementations.
IncomeJAR creates an income stream from a Crypto assets. The user receives a good return, which is denoted in ERC20 tokens.
Use DeFi protocols from any wallet! Wrapper tokens let you use Uniswap, Aave, Balancer & Set in normal wallets without a dapp browser.
DefiDollar is an attempt at being an index of stable coins that uses Defi primitives to stay near the dollar mark and subsidize the collateralization ratio.
Save is a chatbot aimed at educating & onboarding mainstream audiences to DeFi.
Decentralized autonomous liquidity provider (DALP). Maximize your earnings with minimal effort.
XOPTS. Bitcoin-native Options on Ethereum: insure against Bitcoin price crashes by buying Dai options on Ethereum. Execute the option completely trustless without the need to get wrapped Bitcoins or lock your Bitcoin.
No-loss reward platform for games and competitions.
Peer-to-peer market to borrow NFTs or use NFTs as collateral for loans.
Flashmint is the no-code arb BUIDLer: Find and explore arbitrage opportunities.
Blazar is a fixed-rate, fixed-term borrowing protocol with its own AMM that leverages the money markets as temporary stop-gaps.
A decentralized limit orders platform boosted by market making.
DeFi Dapp gamified gateway to easily deposit and withdraw in different liquidity and lending pools.