Explore 2374+ Gaming blockchain projects. Find inspiration, code examples, and learn from successful implementations.
A Quiz App with prizes distributed via Ethereum.
IncomeJAR creates an income stream from a Crypto assets. The user receives a good return, which is denoted in ERC20 tokens.
No-loss reward platform for games and competitions.
DeFi Dapp gamified gateway to easily deposit and withdraw in different liquidity and lending pools.
TokenSets oracle to get the price of any Set in Ether, allowing lending platforms to take Sets as collateral.
Atomic is a transaction batcher, that will execute several actions within one atomic transaction, including performing flashloans, flashswaps, token transfers and much more.
DeFi Lending backed, FOMO Mortal Kombat CryptoKitties MMO game!
Exchange Google Play Store gift cards for aDAI.
FukiPay is a trustless messaging bot which allows users to easily interact with the Ethereum blockchain. The messaging bot generates a unique smart-wallet for each user which can be used to receive and spend Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens but to also interact with the Ethereum DeFi.
A market to bet for or against the future potential of high-profile individuals.
A didactic tool to visually connect DeFi instruments and learn about its composability.
An on-chain incentive system to encourage regular participation in Ethereum meetups.