Explore 1427+ Nft, Solidity blockchain projects. Find inspiration, code examples, and learn from successful implementations.
Oya is a decentralized ecommerce protocol owned by its users and run by smart contracts.
Decentralized autonomous liquidity provider (DALP). Maximize your earnings with minimal effort.
XOPTS. Bitcoin-native Options on Ethereum: insure against Bitcoin price crashes by buying Dai options on Ethereum. Execute the option completely trustless without the need to get wrapped Bitcoins or lock your Bitcoin.
Peer-to-peer market to borrow NFTs or use NFTs as collateral for loans.
MagicBet is a no loss betting platform, inspired by PoolTogether. It allows users to bet on real life future events and outcomes without risking their stake.
EPNS is maximally powerful in delivering notifications, even from decentralized ecosystem to centralized one. In the shadow, it does all the heavy lifting of handling users, their devices, smart contract events, encryption of messages and the delivery of them to the intended user.
Liquorice Gen, a liquidity generator that is an all-in-one bonding curve tool to bootstrap liquidity.
A protocol for decentralized options.
Non-custodial service that automates CDP protection and rebalancing using user's tokens as a fuel.
TokenSets oracle to get the price of any Set in Ether, allowing lending platforms to take Sets as collateral.
NYV bootstraps liquidity for innovative, low cap stablecoins - by: Incentivising liquidity with our own platform tokens of the same peg, on Uniswap V2 Providing a foreign exchange with infinite liquidity. Open up the stablecoin market and bring DeFi to the world!
Smart controlled wallets that can be transferred as NFTs.