Explore 667+ Social, Solidity blockchain projects. Find inspiration, code examples, and learn from successful implementations.
NYV bootstraps liquidity for innovative, low cap stablecoins - by: Incentivising liquidity with our own platform tokens of the same peg, on Uniswap V2 Providing a foreign exchange with infinite liquidity. Open up the stablecoin market and bring DeFi to the world!
Maximus is the first community-owned, fully on-chain bank.
An on-chain incentive system to encourage regular participation in Ethereum meetups.
Suicide Kings is a no-loss ERC1155 game where players vote to win interest generated in Compound Finance. Burning (suiciding) a KING enables a quadratic vote (QV). While fun and engaging, the game also tests a method for reducing sybil attacks in QV while maintaining anonymity.
Extending our existing FIN4Xplorer dApp with options to back "positive action tokens" with different underlying sources of value.
Chit Fund - a community approach to borrow and Lend Money.
A decentralized pricing mechanism for Filecoin. FPM connects users with the most suitable storage nodes and derives optimal prices based on supply-demand rules. The solution hides identity of its users and ensures the correctness of the computations with minimal overhead.
A decentralized social media tangle built with a distributed filesystem.
Decentrally-sourced live graffiti wall gossiped and direct-synced via libp2p and store on IPFS
A web app that reward customers with tokens when they make a purchase from a restaurant
An image filemanagement platform
ZERO enables collateralized subscriptions for Filecoin and Ethereum via (oracleless) TimeSwap. Includes decentralized chat rooms to discuss web3 and DeFi protocols.