
Problem Statement
This proof-of-concept level dashboard presents on-chain analytics of resolvers behaviour on 1inch's fusion swap, including:USD profit for each resolver transactionUSD "true volume" from each resolver (no double counts on intermediate swaps)gas fees paidinternal transactions made during a settlementIt is presented currently as a jupyter notebook, querying transactions of the settlemenrt contract (0xA88800CD213dA5Ae406ce248380802BD53b47647) via an etherscan and defillama api.
This project is the final result of on-chain exploration of the Fusion Swap mechanism and resolvers. To avoid using overly dirty scrapping methods in this hackathon, we query the data via Etherscan's API. Etherscan had the data more intuitively structured for this analysis than Dune, hence this choice. Information on the ERC20 tokens and their prices was also needed, so the DeFillama historical price api was also used, especially since it supports queries via the ERC20 token address, while providing us with all the metadata like decimals, symbol, etc, hence avoiding direct eth_calls or contract calls in this poor WiFi hackathon environment.
ETHGlobal Tokyo
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🗃 1inch — 🥇 Best Data Dashboard
- 0xEljh
14 contributions