1st Educational Platform nurturing the next generation of web3 leaders by enagaging learning tracks for kids ages 8-14.

Problem Statement
Currently, as a parent, it is almost impossible to not find web3 education suitable for kids.Seeing very little innovation over the past centuries being executed in the traditional education system, it would be naive to expect web3 education to be part of the curriculum during the next years.In addition, the tech skills gap has been growing, and led by the technological innovation enabled by web3, the demand for blockchain developers is expected to grow from less than 100,000 to 5 Million by 2030.So, how do kids become the next web3 leaders? How do they make better sense of a dynamically changing world and have the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century? How do they learn to navigate the complexities of competition and collaboration?They guided collaborative practice.Unfortunately, guided practice is hard to come by in web3, especially as a kid. If students get to exercise true agency, it often happens by accident rather than design.At 3Create, we aim to fill this gap.Our goal is to help students collaborate more effectively and become better equipped to solve complex web3 problems than anyone (adults included).Our mission is to give children a safe and positive community where they can learn through creating fun projects, and aspire to their greatest potential as tomorrow’s web3 leaders.We’re creating an environment where mistakes are turned into opportunities. We’re giving kids the chance to get lots of things wrong so that they can figure out what it means to be right. We’re designing experiences that are complex yet welcoming, collaborative yet competitive. Experiences that are highly engaging, centered on the student, and designed to help kids understand high-level concepts while navigating the complexities of web3.The platform, designed for kids between 8-14 years old, puts them into learning tracks on different web3 modules that follow the principles of 3create: learn, solve and create.Kids collaborate together with peers from across the globe in simulations of complex, engaging challenges. Through experience and reflection, they learn how to communicate, solve problems, and make decisions.By applying an easy-to-use blockchain wallet, programmable digital objects, and 3D virtual spaces where students can collaborate and play, we are creating the next generation of web3 builders.Through transferrable credentials, the learning is fractionalized and kids now can build their real time portfolio and proof of skills: publishing an article, coding, writing, giving a talk, etc.Finally, the whole process is gamified with on-chain badges that show progress and unlocks new tracks as you not only complete the challenges but also support and help other kids. Once you earn enough badges qualifying you for "mastery", you can start earning social tokens by mentoring other learners.
Polygon IDOnce logged in, the dApp checks their wallet for a 3create token to see if they are verified 'Proof of Childhood' using polygonID. Children can verify their identity from a local library (issuer) to ensure that they are under 14 and no bad actors are able to access certain features in the dApp such as chat, certain courses and monetary awards. Issuer verification QR: https://github.com/jennyg0/3create/blob/main/src/components/AgeVerification.js Proof of childhood check: https://github.com/jennyg0/3create/blob/main/src/components/HeaderLoggedIn.js Smart contract with 3create tokens: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/token/0x45c53da2Af0a7e7d818a494576a9E2C57E811f36Wallet ConnectWe use wallet connect as way children can connect to our app https://github.com/jennyg0/3create/blob/main/src/index.jsOptimism NFT GamesWe used Optimism Layer 2 in order to issue NFT badges after kids complete certain courses - or "levels" - to keep the security of Ethereum and give children a chance to familiarize themselves with wider Ethereum ecosystem while also decreasing the costs and increasing the responsiveness of gamified NFT rewards inside our app. https://github.com/janlanecki/3create-airdrop/##LivepeerUsed to host videos for our educational content and live streaming for mentors to teach groups of students
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🔟 Optimism — Top 10 Deployed
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🤑 Polygon — Best Local LATAM Public Goods or Refi Project
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2️⃣ WalletConnect — 🥉 v2.0 Track
- janlanecki
2 contributions