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Adaptum Finance

a CBBI based Cross-Chain & On-Chain DCA Platform with customised time intervals.


Adaptum Finance screenshot 1
Adaptum Finance screenshot 2
Adaptum Finance screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Adaptum Finance is a platform where you're able to On-Chain DCA in a Cross-Chain manner using time intervals where the swaps are made using CBBI index to adjust position based on the market state on another blockchain in a gas efficient way then the funds will be recovered through Hyperlane on the origin chain.The User Onboarding is made through Dynamic.xyz SDK by either connecting your wallet or creating a new one by connecting your email (user can then buy some USDC on ramp for example) to make it as easy as possible.


The Adaptum Finance project has been built using NextJS 14, Wagmi & TailwindCSS for the Front-End.Our DCA platform was made using Chainlink CCIP for transfering USDC with data between blockchains, Functions for the CBBI Oracle used to adapt the swap amount based on the state of the market, Dynamic.xyz for the users onboarding with Account Abstraction (ZeroDev) to simplify the UX, Hyperlane to recover the funds and potential threshold on the origin chain.USDC is being used to trade the USDC / ETH LP combined with CCTP.Arbitrum & Base networks to be used to process the swap (Dencun makes it event cheaper) for having the lowest fess possible.The DCAHub handle the entire DCA logic, then a contract interract with CCIP & CCTP to bridge USDC with data to a destination chain where the swap with PancakeSwap / UniSwap in native token an another handle the execution flow then interract with Hyperlane to send a Wrapper version of the token back to the origin chain with all important informations to the DCA logic.


ETHGlobal London



  • 🏆

    Chainlink CCIP


  • 🏆

    Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

