Connects webmasters with advertisers via streamable NFTs, allowing peer to peer adspace sales, and payment by the second instead of a lump sum.

Problem Statement
Today, a webmaster looking to put up advertisements on their site only has one one option: web2 advertising services such as google ads.The drawbacks of this approach are that webmasters do not have flexibility of what is shown because content is targeted towards the user and hence it is impossible to keep a uniform image of how the site looks or they may not support companies that advertise on their site.They also do not have flexibility of payment. Google ads have a threshold withdraw limit of $100, which may be hard to reach for small websites or people that do not have a bank account.We have created Adflow to solve these problems of Web2. Webmasters can mint their own streamable NFT tokens corresponding to an advertising spot on their site and point their adspace to the token URI. These tokens can then be transferred or sold on opensea to advertisers that want that advertising spot.Using superfluid, advertisers that buy the token pay for the advertising by the second, using superfluid's DAIx wrapped DAI token (Currently Advertisers can set the flowrate that they pay but in the future a minimum flowrate of DAIx per second that is required can be implemented.) Advertisers can then set their own token URI such as a gif or image that will be displayed to every visitor of the website.Advertisers that are unhappy with the webmaster can stop the stream at any time or resell the Advertising spot, allowing flexibility.Webmasters also receive constant payments by the second that they can withdraw at any time, allowing greater efficiency of funds.The front end contains and option for the user to mint their own contract that creates a single NFT. A user can then view the platform and choose an NFT to stream and advert via superfluid. They would have to choose their Flow rate and upload an NFT standard JSON file to have the NFT display where the advert NFT is being show. The back in ties into superfluid's contract interface in mumbai network. The NFT use the superfluid call backs where the "createFluid" call changes the default NFT image to the new update/uploaded on when starting stream. When the stream completes or deletes, the NFT banner goes back to the original NFT image via the superfluid superapp callbacks.
Mazzz and Billyjitsu were on task with this project.Mazzz worked on the front end using the scaffold-eth frameworkBillyjitsu worked on the solidity backend combing both scaffold-eth and a standalone hardhat framework.A combination of many front end tools ethers, web3, moralis for front end. Erc721 tooling with the superfluid frameworks examples.both githubs for reference
Road to Web3
- 🏆
🏊 Polygon Pool Prize
- austintgriffith
351 contributions
- TomAFrench
46 contributions
- codenamejason
41 contributions
- xjjda22
40 contributions
- azf20
29 contributions
- calvbore
28 contributions
- pabloruiz55
24 contributions
- ShravanSunder
14 contributions
- Mazzz-zzz
13 contributions
- ChangoMan
10 contributions
- 0xsama
9 contributions
- btogzhan2000
8 contributions
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- forshtat
3 contributions
- jacobwillemsma
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- ironsoul0
2 contributions
- billyjitsu
2 contributions
- J2R5M3
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- clacladev
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- yutingzhao1991
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- thesuperb1
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- Xalava
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- tomafc330
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- TaldenV
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- Ro5s
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- philippzentner
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- mingder78
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- macguyversmusic
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- captnseagraves
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- futurethang
1 contributions