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Advault is the Ad infrastructure for web3, enabling seamless ad integration in blockchain products by providing an API to retrieve and display ads stored on Filecoin.


AdVault screenshot 1
AdVault screenshot 2
AdVault screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Advault is the Ad infrastructure for web3, enabling seamless ad integration in blockchain products by providing an API to retrieve and display ads stored on Lighthouse. It consists of two parts:Advault Dashboard:Customer companies can upload their advertisements in text, images, and video formats.Ad data is securely stored in Filecoin through Lighthouse storage.Allows easy retrieval and display of ad data via API.Offers easy integration with partner companies' platforms using SDK.Advault API:Allows partner companies to integrate ads posted by customer companies on the Advault dashboard into their web3 projects.Features include uploading text, images, and videos for ads, secure storage of ad data in Filecoin, retrieval and display of ad data via API, and easy integration with partner companies' platforms using SDK.This setup enables advertisers to reach their target customers easily, leading to increased sales and revenue generation. Partner companies benefit from a share of the revenue generated by Advault, incentivizing them to integrate Advault ads into their web3 products.


The project consists of 2 parts -Advault Dashboard:Frontend Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React: These technologies were used to build the user interface of the Advault Dashboard. HTML and CSS structure and style the web pages, JavaScript handles dynamic content, and React ensures a smooth and interactive user experience.Data Storage: Lighthouse Storage: Ads uploaded by customer companies (in text, image, and video formats) are stored using Lighthouse, a decentralized storage solution built on Filecoin. The lighthouse.upload method is employed to save the data securely and reliably.Advault API:Backend Technologies: Node.js and Express.js: Node.js serves as the server environment for both the Dashboard and the API. Express.js is used to create the API, facilitating communication between the Dashboard and partner companies' platforms.-Data Retrieval: Lighthouse Storage: Data stored in Lighthouse is fetched using an API key. Functions provided by Lighthouse storage enable the retrieval of this data efficiently and securely.Workflow:Data Upload: Customer companies log into the Advault Dashboard and upload their ads (text, images, videos). The uploaded data is sent to Lighthouse storage via the lighthouse.upload method.Data Storage: Lighthouse storage, leveraging the Filecoin network, securely stores the ad data in a decentralized manner, ensuring security and durability.Data Retrieval: Partner companies use the Advault API to fetch the stored ad data. The API, built with Express.js, retrieves data from Lighthouse storage using the API key and Lighthouse's built-in functions.Partner technologies: We used lighthouse storage which served as a decentralized storage on filecoin.


HackFS 2024

