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Air Stake'n'Stay


self-hosted decentralized airbnb. L3, on-chain AI, reputation


Air Stake'n'Stay screenshot 1
Air Stake'n'Stay screenshot 2
Air Stake'n'Stay screenshot 3

Problem Statement

previous decentralized Airbnb lacked reputation-based privacy, dispute resolution, and AI. 1) Ours doesn't have a centralized server; you fork and deploy just with a few clicks 2) access to listings based on network reputation 3) deployed on our own L3 (Orbit) that connects to GPT-4 through Galadriel and Hyperplane. we want the ai summaries of reviews to be done by a trusted environment. these summaries simplify picking the right listing to a few seconds without scrolling. 4) account abstraction using dynamic. 5) the messages between guest and host decrypted only for judges during dispute. 6) the database serves data only if your reputation is high enough 7) inviters are responsible for invitees


for reputation based access to listings, cloud function checks if the user has enough reputation, then sends the secret to the front end, the user needs to sign the secret with their web3 address and send it back.for L3: I deployed orbit on anytrust chain. the difficulty was getting some parameters right, for example the fees shouldn't be too high or too low. We have our own native token that makes storing data and running transactions cheaper. furthermore L3 is a natural choice for this usecase because users self-deploy anyway and have interest in keeping L3 trusted.for AI I deployed an ai contract on Galadriel that responded to prompts. the prompt asked to read all of the reviews to the listing and pick 3 most important points.for hyperplane: to have AI on L3 we leveraged Galadriel. we deployed Hyperplane on both Galadriel and on L3. when review is posted on L3, the hyperplane sends all reviews and a prompt to Galadriel, then Galadriel send the response back to L3. both L3 and Galadriel have mailbox.dispatch and handle functionsUI: UI is immersive using photo of the place as background, UI helps to summarize information so that users don't have to read. we list important things first like wifi speed


ETHGlobal Brussels



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    Best Orbit Chain Project2nd place

