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Audio.xyz is a web3 content platform that brings creators and fans closer together through Proof of Fandom SBTs.


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Problem Statement

Background: Adam Levy gives out a lot of free NFTs to his podcast listeners. His audiences loves collecting free NFTs but Adam always struggled with making the collection funnel smooth.Problem: The funnel for collecting a free NFT requires multiple steps and confuses many users. While a lot of listeners claim the free NFT, even more do not because it’s a cumbersome task. It’d be so much easier if the user could automatically get an NFT after they listen to an episode on Spotify (Proof of Fandom).Solution: Audio.xyz - a web3-powered media player that rewards users with a free SBT after they listen to a portion of or an entire episode.The MVP of Audio.xyz is built forliveaudio creators, and rewards users for tuning in and listening live. Each episode is minted as a 1 of 1 NFT after the recording finishes. Additionally, users can also opt-in to stream payments to the creator live, and in exchange they get a percentage ownership into the podcast’s NFT and unlock a chat exclusive to streamers during the live recording to ask the creator and the guest questions.Creator and listener both win:The creator gets to build a more detailed profile of his “1000” true fans and earns more revenue.The audience proves their early participation and loyalty to the creator and content they love.In the future, developers can permissionlessly use data for curation, recommendation, discovery, and more.


To realize our idea and implement main features we decided to use bunch of protocols and thus оur app consists of next features:Decentralized live streaming: we userlivepeerto provide live podcast stream from host to listeners. For MVP we use Livepeer Studio + OBS which give allows to use provide true decentralized live streaming.Proof of Listening: When a listener join a live stream we create an individual data stream to the listener usingstreamr network. We send each N minutes a message which has next payload:Tier of non-transferable NFT (SBT) which he can claim (e.x. Silver, Gold, Diamond)Signature of address + Tier of NFT from the signerWhen the user closes the app he can provide tier and signature to the smart contracts and claim the most valuable NFT.Streamable tips: Our users can stream tips during live stream. For that we useSuperfluidprotocol and implemented super app callback in our contracts. When the user starts stream to episode contract contract mint temporary NFT to the user and store the start timestamp. When the user decide to stop stream tips the contract burn temporary NFT and store the end timestamp.Token-gated chat: Users who have temporary NFT also get access to gated chat with host and guest. As a decentralized chat solution we decided useXMTPShared Ownership: An user who streams tips also became co-owner of the episode. When the episode is minted as a publication duringLensco-owners get a part of fees from collection fees. We can calculate the amount of shares using start and end timestamp.





  • 🏆

    🥉 Livepeer — Best use of Livepeer Studio

  • 🏆

    🥈 Streamr — Best Use

  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize
