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ZK-based Mafia-style game, possibly with GPT-powered agents


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Problem Statement

At the core is a mafia-style game that is implemented on the chain using privacy computing. You can find an explanation of the mafia game here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_(party_game)This is our vision as there is no enough time to finish this game within the duration of this hackathon. In our vision, the players can stake to play the game and the winners split the reward. It is possible for AI to join as NPC, making intelligent decisions as well as conversing naturally.deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NTXjf348vRfqvpuiooTwFVi_AW8K4ZjuurIhTBsS7Ds/edit#slide=id.p


We have a proof of concept developed on ETH. Each player maintain their private states such as their roles and the game is coordinated through a smart contract. The contract records important actions on-chain, coordinates the game flow and manages staking.In terms of privacy computing, our analysis leads us to two computing primitives --- ZK card shuffling and vector aggregation using MPC. The former can be realized using this (http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/J.Groth/MinimalShuffle.pdf) and we are still investigating the later.


Autonomous Worlds

