Ball Street
Ball Street is a marketplace for trading sports cards where buyers purchase fractional shares, and sellers earn royalties on their cards.
Problem Statement
Ball Street bridges the gap between investors with expensive cards and investors that want to - but can't afford - to own these cards.Typically, the rarest cards can easily have a market value over $1m making it virtually impossible for most people to own one.Ball Street solves the problem for the investor (buyer) by providing investors with the option to purchase a fractional share of this portfolio. Investors are free to trade these shares on the secondary market built into the platform. Ex: an investor who has $100 but wants exposure to Lebron James rookie cards can buy a share of a rookie card with a market value of $1m via Ball Street.Ball Street also solves a problem for the card owner (seller). Currently, there is no way to them to earn cash flows or generate liquidity on their assets. Ball Street solves this by offering card owners royalties every time a share is traded on the secondary market. Ex. Owner of Lebron James card issues 5000 shares for 50% of the card's market value ($500k) of their shares for IPO. Each of those 5000 shares get traded 10x in a year, while the cards market value rises to $1.5m. The potential royalties earned could be approx. $125k for the card owner.Investors don’t have to worry about the storage of physical cards, and they can trade their digital shares at any time in a liquid marketplace. The physical cards are insured and held in a secured 3rd party vault.The sports card market is estimated at over $10B and has existed for nearly 100 years. The market is booming, and the cards are often considered alternative assets by investors.Our grand vision is to democratize asset ownership for the masses!
Our smart contracts were created with hardhat and using openzepplin/contracts to handle the underlying ERC1155 token implementations.Our API was built with ExpressJS, and levereged ethers.js to interact with the contract and mint NFTs cards which we then made "frational shares" of fungible tokens.Finally, our frontend was built using React!