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Exclusive discounted swaption market for NFT holders. Swap of 2 different ERC20 currencies.


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BestBuy screenshot 4

Problem Statement

BestBuy is the decentralized exchange gateway where only specific NFT collection holders are able to access the discount-priced pair-token pool. This idea is the common use case of the Uniswap V4 feature and basic API call on the FE side. I did solo hacking for learning purposes.


I used foundry for the smart contract development toolchain. Referring to several Uniswap v4 Hook templates, I deployed my own template onto the local network with Anvil. On the front end, I use Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The pain point of deploying uniswap V4 is, that I was not able to deploy the Hook contract onto Sepolia testnet, because it's reached the limit gas cost. So I deployed it onto the local netowrk.


ETHGlobal New York

