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A decentralized restaurant reservation app for restaurant owners and customers using Unlock


BlockFood screenshot 1
BlockFood screenshot 2
BlockFood screenshot 3

Problem Statement

With this project customers of a restaurant can select a table at a chosen time and reserve it by depositing a configurable fee. To get the fee back the guest has to enter a private key which is displayed at the chosen table. The restaurant owner also has the option to manually refund the fees of a certain reservation.If the guest does not check in at the designated time (+ a configurable margin of x minutes) the fees will be unlocked and the owner can withdraw the fees to his wallet.


This project uses Unlock to create the posibility for users to create a reservation for a Restaurant by depositing a fee.FrontEnd:latest version of AngularEthers.jsAngular materialBackEnd:Solidity Smart ContractUnlockUnfinished Topics:Reservation on a specific time (date and timepicker in the FrontEnd does not submit values to the SmartContract).Withdraw function in the FrontEnd.Refund of multiple reservations ( purchase -> purchase -> refund -> refund)


Web3 Weekend

