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Blockhead: NY23

Blockhead is a universal interface for the crypto/DeFi/web3 ecosystem. Now includes an alternative interface for Uniswap V3 in a compact design!


Blockhead: NY23 screenshot 1
Blockhead: NY23 screenshot 2
Blockhead: NY23 screenshot 3
Blockhead: NY23 screenshot 4
Blockhead: NY23 screenshot 5
Blockhead: NY23 screenshot 6

Problem Statement

Blockhead is a universal crypto/DeFi/web3 browser, implemented as a data-agnostic client-side web app with swappable data sources. Under the hood is a suite of highly composable Svelte-based UI/UX primitives which I continuously update and integrate with new protocols and data providers at each hackathon.For ETHGlobal New York 2023, I revamped the behavior and layout of the generic dashboards under the Apps page to make way for fully-featured alternative interfaces for DeFi apps (especially those that span multiple EVM chains). Check out the prototypal implementation of Uniswap V3 (featuring Gnosis Chain)!


Changes for ETHGlobal New York 2023:• Revamped Apps navigation – added a new Network select menu alongside the existing App select menu. If either are selected, only Apps / Views pertaining to the selected Network are shown, and only Networks the selected App is deployed on are selectable.• Uniswap V3: perform swaps and create/manage concentrated liquidity positions on the Uniswap V3 protocol via the dedicated App dashboard. Supports Base and Gnosis Chain (not yet supported by the official frontend)!• Gnosis Chain: added an app view to interact with the Uniswap V3 protocol deployed on Gnosis Chain.• Base: added an app view to interact with the Uniswap V3 protocol deployed on Base.• The Graph: added logic to query all the Messari-standardized Uniswap V3 subgraphs across all supported chains (including Base, but no Gnosis Chain for now!). Currently used for fetching historical LP positions for a given account.• IPFS: added support for resolving IPNS names via a local Helia node or an HTTPS-based IPFS gateway (including permalink support in the IPFS explorer, e.g. https://blockhead.info/apps/ipfs/tokens.uniswap.org). Used for fetching Uniswap's default Token List (ipns://tokens.uniswap.org).• WalletConnect: integrated Web3Modal 3.0.See "Files Changed" tab here: https://github.com/darrylyeo/blockhead/compare/e36359207909ac687a160615fec9452d9bc1c329...2afe65ffdef80f3089a64a925313a4c37a3f39af


ETHGlobal New York



  • 🏆

    🕸 The Graph — 🥈 Best use of Subgraph or Substream

  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ Filecoin & IPFS — Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🧑‍💻 WalletConnect — 🥉 Best Use of Web3Modal
