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Bomber Woman


A fun simultaneous turn based game where player attempt to bomb each other, aka, an onchain Bomberman


Bomber Woman screenshot 1
Bomber Woman screenshot 2
Bomber Woman screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Bomber Woman explores the idea of having fun multiplayer games like bomberman adapted to make use of the blockchain affordance. It does so by transforming the frantic gameplay of Bomberman into a "simultaneous turn" based game of careful planning.In Bomber Woman, players have 30 seconds to commit their move (which is a path, unknown to other players, that includes the location where you drop the bomb). Once the commit phase is over, every players actions are revealed and bombs explode.Did the other players placed their bomb so that it's explosion trajectory reach where you decided to end your path ? If so you die and drop your powerup. If on the other hand, you killed one other player's avatar, you can pick up the loot.Furthermore Bomber Woman is designed so that no lobby is required: The arena of Bomber Woman is persistent and infinite. There is also no limit in number of players for a potential fun chaotic gameplay. We achieve this by making player stake either their avatar NFT or a staking token that they drop when their character dies.But even when that happen all is not lost, as in order for the player to take your stake back home they have to exit the game at specific exit points. While going towards them, other players (including yourself who joined with yet another avatar) will attempt to kill it.We worked on the basic of the game but lots of interesting game design can be explored. Moving exit points, safe places where player can rest, Teleportation points, power ups, many possibility abound!


The project usesolidity for handling the commit+reveal scheme.rocketh for deploymenthardhat and foundryhttps://fuzd.dev/ so reveal can be done automatically and privatelysvelte + typescript for the frontendviem for tx and signing handlingweb3-connection for wallets


ETHGlobal London

