
Problem Statement
With Box & Drop, you can drop a file to a specific location, just like any physical object. You can also take other boxes, open them and download the files inside. Box & Drop combines two trend technologies: IPFS and augmented reality, deliverting new customer experience.<img id="img0" width="22%"><img id="img1" width="22%"><img id="img2" width="22%"><img id="img3" width="22%"><h3>Use cases</h3> <ul> <li>Interactive sightseeing tours</li> <li>Storing your personal impressions in particular place</li> <li>Quests & interactive games</li> <li>Marketing activities, etc.</li> </ul> <h3>Join IPFS-BoxMania today:</h3> <ul> <li>Create interesting content and drop it to IPFS with one click</li> <li>Share your box with others using social networks</li> <li>Earn points each time someone open / download your box (boxes could be open only in location where you've dropped them)</li> </ul><h4>Master your creativity with Box&Drop!</h4><img id="img4" width="22%"><img id="img5" width="22%"><img id="img6" width="22%">
A lot of people believe that decentralised technologies are to complex for everyday usage. Box&Drop (as a counterpart of DropBox) was developed to break this myth!<img id="img7" width="100%">It was daring idea and amazing journey. This project was developed from scratch especially for HackFS. During developing I've learnt a lot of topics:Augmented reality from scratchSwift from zero to heroIPFS for GolangMaking complex things simple<strong>Mobile app stack</strong>Swift 5, ARKit, Apple sign-in, Alamofire, etc.For more details:<strong>Backend</strong>Golang 1.13, IPFS, Mongo, Gin-GonicFor more details:<strong>AppStore & testing</strong>For the moment, app is under review in AppStore and I hope will be published yet. If someone wants to test it before, please PM @mikael_l<script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { setTimeout(function() { var pictures = ["89313224-e6873500-d680-11ea-88f8-4fa13a815022.jpg", "89313235-eab35280-d680-11ea-91f3-658a38694f52.jpg", "89313244-ebe47f80-d680-11ea-91ba-527e9acce424.jpg", "89313248-ed15ac80-d680-11ea-9422-c93bef97a845.jpg", "89313251-ee46d980-d680-11ea-9618-2fff5746e77a.jpg", "89313256-ef780680-d680-11ea-96d6-31f7c7c4bb3d.jpg", "89313265-f1da6080-d680-11ea-9766-fbf01ed87e2f.jpg" , "89337023-f7e13900-d6a2-11ea-9475-07f3d97ba68c.jpg"]; for(var i=0; i< pictures.length; i++) { var element = document.getElementById("img" + i); element.src = "htt" + "ps://" + pictures[i]; } }, 500) }); </script>