Build Trust
Our software is trustless. Building relationships require trust. We help build on chain trust attestations

Problem Statement
Trust is core to form long lasting relationships, in person and in business. our industry can only move forward if people form trust relationships that allow them to build together business collaborations that promote collaboration over competition.But, trust is hard to scale, and it is still bounded to our ages old human limitations to how trust is being formed, and to what extend it can scale, as described in Dunbar law.In this project we have tried to challenge this and explore how trust in an ecosystem of relationship building can scale, using on chain attestation and creation of onchain credentialsThe target users of this app is everyone working in web3 in building collaborations - super connectors, BD people, sales, partnerships & overall people helping others with good vibesWe have created an MVP to demonstrate how people can attest on relationship and initiatives they formed, and build a personal reputation and professional graph onchain.This graph can later be leverage by anyone to identify trust relationships and leverage them to create more positive value in our industry (and beyond)
We have started off a fork of as a basis code base and built of it our flowImplemented an innovative new use case for attestationsAdjusted fieldsCreated new attestation schemaDeployed attestation schema on Base SepoliaDeployed the app on Base SepoliaOn top of that we created another way for people to interact with our schema, via a Farcaster frame that allows to create attestation from a farcaster feed by tagging Farcaster user ID.We enriched the user experience using a no-code tool and leveraged pre-existing components to express the potential of how this dapp we created can be useable, via enhanced functionalities like:Trusted users curation and upvote Review personal attestation Review other attestationsHere's the app link (this part is out of the hackathon scope, just given as reference):
Superhack 2024
- slavik0329
23 contributions
- 0xCovariance
16 contributions
- bertux
14 contributions
- 0xArDANT
2 contributions
- waptik
1 contributions
- jsk11235
1 contributions