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Onchain storage and retrieval of post containing text and image using ipfs


ChainCast screenshot 1
ChainCast screenshot 2
ChainCast screenshot 3
ChainCast screenshot 4
ChainCast screenshot 5
ChainCast screenshot 6

Problem Statement

The front end of this project enables users to add posts that include their username, a post title, post content, and an image. Each post is saved using web3.storage API on IPFS and the CID is kept in a separate array that is also housed on IPFS. The posts are then each individually fetched and displayed on the user interface.


We created a decentralized post storage and retrieval platform using IPFS, Filecoin, and Web3.storage hosted on Spheron Network. The front end was designed with a user-friendly interface using React and Tailwind. Our solution tackled technical challenges and the result was a secure and reliable system that offers a seamless user experience. Each post content with its image is stored on some node and its CID is stored which is later used to retrieve the same. Nobody can change what someone posted removing any centralized control over what is shared.


FVM Space Warp

