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Concordia, whose name is inspired by the god of peace, agreement, well-being and harmony in Roman Mythology, is a project announcement platform that aims to bring together people working in different fields in web3 in the most harmonious and easiest way.


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🤜🏻Concordia🤛🏻 screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Project Description Lots of people in the web3 ecosystem have brilliant ideas but struggle to move forward due to the potential problems like lack of team or investment and those ideas just happen to evanesce over time. To overcome this problem, we came up with a platform that aims to bring all the pieces needed for a project to come to life together, meet Concordia. Our platform acts as a catalyst for collaboration, allowing researchers, developers, designers, and investors to find each other and unite under shared goals.Who is Our Target Audience? Web3 Entrepreneurs: If you have a blockchain project in mind but lack the team to develop it, Concordia is where you’ll find your coders, designers, and possibly your future business partners. Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists: Support and fund the next big thing in the blockchain ecosystem. At Concordia, witness ideas that align with your vision and commitment come to life, ready for your backing. Job Seekers in Blockchain: Discover a multitude of opportunities in the web3 domain. Whether you are a developer, a creator or a designer. Concordia offers a platform to propel your career forward.How Concordia Works? Initially, we expect people to link the platforms that best reflect them and their work (such as twitter(x), medium, mirror, github) as proof of their credibility and competence when entering Concordia. Then there are two options for users: 1-) Project owners can upload their projects to Concordia or 2-) Reviewing projects to be part of a project or to invest in a project.For the first option, here are the steps for project owners: -choose their work (researcher/designer/developer/investor) -a cursory description of their projects (we anticipate that project details can be shared after mutual trust between individuals). -determining which business areas are sought for the project (example: 1 designer, 1 frontend, 2 backend software developers are sought, etc.) -on the page where the projects are listed, selecting the keywords of the project so that users can filter specific project topics (DeFi, NFT, Security etc.)The last step is the page where the projects are listed. Here, our only goal is for people to find each other with a high level of compatibility. Here, users who want to be part of a project apply to projects with their user profiles filled with their qualifications. Then the project owners contact the people according to their suitability for the project and the details of the project are discussed. For example, if an agreement is reached with a designer, 1 designer is deducted from the job branches sought in the project. In this way, we aim to bring people together for similar passions, who may not be aware of each other under normal circumstances.In the second option, as mentioned above, users who wish to take part in a web3 project will be able to browse the project pages to apply for projects that interest them.


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