Deep tier financing (300B $ Market) to solve cash flow problems for the deep participants of companies supply chain. Solution for this is a comprehensive platform which can be used to mint tokens against invoice and use those tokens to pay and take loans until the payment date.

Problem Statement
DeepFin is a decentralized pool-based strategy similar to AAVE for deep tier financing. Lenders provide liquidity by depositing stable coins in a pool contract. Borrowers are small and medium businesses who have access to very costly financing only. In case these SMEs are in the supply chain of a top company (anchor) then the invoice of the company to the first supplier can be used to mint tokens. These tokens can then be passed along the supply chain representing future dated payment on a specific day. By submitting these tokens as collateral to the pool they can borrow money.
There are 3 main contracts.Tokenization contract is an ERC1155 implementation which handles minting and transfer of tokens. Along with that we have implemented repay and redeem functionality to handle repayment of financing against invoices and redeem of cashflow tokens held by any user or lending pool.Multisig contract which handles invoice submission approval and rejection. For each anchor we create a new multisig contract which has additional functionalities like addition and removal of suppliers. Along with that we are directly executing tokenization mint function when transaction is executed. We have also added rejection functionality which changes the state of transaction from pending to rejected.AAVE credit delegation contract handles the instant borrowing against cashflow tokens. Borrower can give cashflow tokens and get credit against that using which he can then borrow from AAVE.We have integrated with CIRCLE to enable repay using USD credit card. On this repayment our circle wallet is funded.
HackMoney 2021