FancyBee NFT
FancyBee is a charity-focused customizable NFT meant to fight climate change and show how bees can save the world.
Problem Statement
The goal of this dapper looking honeybee is to help spread pollen all around the world. Honey bees are all about community building and a every bee has a voice in its hive. For starters, you can't start a hive without a Queen and these Queens each need its own region to rule. Each region is sensitive to its charity so all the bees send a lot of sweet, sweet honey to the charity. A bee is only a Fancy Bee untill it is dinner ready. The way to do that is to go shopping for a new fit at the official Fancy Bee store. The official Fancy Bee store is the best way for designers that come from all walks of life the chance to make their art known. Then it makes a proposal to the bees to choose what'll be next seasons apparel. After a bee is in designer from head to toe, you will soon find out that a Fancy Bee can do more than just look pretty. They gain powerful abilities that you can take advantage of. The sky is the limit with what they can do. One is strong, but many are stronger.The ultimate goal for Fancy Bee is helping fund bee development charities all around the world. Through the efforts of charities, we can help spread bees to the places that need bees and protect them from external factors that stunting bee population growth. There are three major problems we faced:We needed to find a way to get the money from royalities of sales to a central place to withdraw from, with no one person controlling the account, then get it into the hands of the charity.We attempt to solve that problem, by having a DAO that has a treasury and bees voting on when to withdraw the funds for that charity.Outside the altruism of the project. We need to give people a reason to buy a bee and generate sencondary sales.For this we give them fancy outfits. The bee NFTs are a separate entity than their outfits and outfits can be created by anyone. But the outfits have to be approved by the community through the DAO. Once a large selection has been picked, they will be available as a drop, or in other words, as next seasons apparel. The outfits will have traits and stats to create the building blocks for more community engagement. Our hopes are that developers will create games and other activities or features based on those properties and traits.We need to code it.After all is said and done, customizeable NFTs are hard to do if the data is not centralized. Our mission is to make the project as decentralized as possible. That means making sure to find a decentralized data model that is at least durable. We use Protocol Lab's project to jumpstart the minting and data store process with a developer friendly UI. The goal is to find the best way to combine the metadata of the Outfit NFT & the Bee NFT such that it is also available to see on NFT marketplaces.
We use from Protocol Labs to give us easy minting and a easy way to interact with the Bee contract, Outfit contract, and DAO contract. The framework gives us quick access to store our metadata and images on IPFS and persist to Filecoin. We took the project, added four more tabs from the original three it had. We added one to specify which NFT we wanted to mint(outfit or bee), another one to be able to View or Get an NFT given an tokenID (bee or outfit), and another two to be able to interact with the Outfit, the Bee or DAO contract. For the project demo the goal is to combine the metadata of a Bee & Outfit NFT through the DAO. We didnt get very far in this department, as we are all new web3 developers.The NFTs implement the 721 standard from openzepplin. The DAO implements a basic governance standard from openzepplin. We plan to launch the website in an a decentralized way, (skynet). All in all, the most impressive part of the project is its potential and that is something that we are going to explore more in the future outside of the hackathon.We hope to set up a front end that lets you mint bees or outfits, purchase bees or outfits, combine the bees and outfits, vote for next season's apparel, vote to vett charities, vote for code revisions to the DAO, and more.The NFTs implement the 721 standard from openzepplin. The DAO implements a basic governance standard from openzepplin. We plan to launch the website in an a decentralized way, (skynet). All in all, the most impressive part of the project is its potential and that is something that we are going to explore more in the future outside of the hackathon.We hope to set up a front end that lets you mint bees or outfits, purchase bees or outfits, combine the bees and outfits, vote for next season's apparel, vote to vett charities, vote for code revisions to the DAO, and more.
ETHOnline 2021
- mrodriguez3313
31 contributions
- Lenoftawa
10 contributions