LoanRing is an application that increases the utility of static cryptocurrency by offering managed loans to businesses.

Problem Statement
LoanRing allows anyone with a ethereum wallet initiate a new loan to a validated business. The lender selects one or more address of borrowers they wish to lend to and the amount they would like to lend. The funds are immediately transferred to the first account on the list and once repaid, they are transferred to the next until the end of the list is reached at which time the funds are returned to the lender. At any time the lender can add additional borrowers to the end of the list.Themes:Corporate and charity loans/lending.Use your static funds for rotating loans to companies that meet your requirements. Often a single loan can be repaid and you can end up with static funds, but using the LoanRing app, this money can circulate to the next company in need.Earn interest and never have funds sitting statically in your account (show metric on how much funds aren’t being used effectively).Eliminate middle men in the transaction - know exactly where funds are going.Once funds have circulated around your desired companies, funds are returned to you wallet automatically with interest paid.Article on dormant bitcoin:
TechConnects to wallet using web3/ethereum.Uses a smart contract to track and maintain the state of the outstanding loan. A contract is deployed for each new lending ring. Once the contract is deployed, the user can fund it using swaps against Ethereum (so the loan can support multiple currencies translated to ethereum) or be funded via a recurring stream.Key technologies used:Superfluid: Recurring lending support to companies by setting up a stream to a deployed loan.Connext: Used for funding loans in alternative L1 currencies or chains rather than requiring eth.Nexus Mutual: Insure the loan such that if it isn’t repaid, you could get money redemption to cover all/part of the principal.Infura: Assists with connext loan swaps and querying chain state.Metamask/Consensys: Wallet authentication and contract interactions.Tellor: Accurate / indisputable conversions between ETH and USD during loan repayment.Bitgo: Used for net new Eth Wallet generation for businesses that haven't accepted crypto before.
HackMoney 2021
- cbonoz
34 contributions
- BrianCottrell
1 contributions