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NFT Metadata Explorer


I built an NFT Metadata Explorer Site Generator. Give me an address for a collection that's been revealed and I'll deploy a custom metadata explorer for your project in the time it takes to do an EthGlobal live demo.


NFT Metadata Explorer screenshot 1
NFT Metadata Explorer screenshot 2

Problem Statement

The most frequently asked questions in an NFT discord: "Wen reveal? How do I see my NFT?!?!" My hack creates and deploys an NFT Metadata Explorer website for any NFT collection on the fly. All you have to give me is the smart contract address for the revealed collection. The collection's Metadata Explorer site displays all NFTs in the collection sorted by an experimental rarity (DYOR!). You can explore by trait, filter by "Buy Now" on Opensea, see details, and click into an NFT to buy it on Opensea.


This all started from a place of impatience. "WEN REVEAL?!?" I'm as impatient as the next NFT degen and wanted to be able to see a full collection without needing to press refresh on OpenSea. My Metadata Explorer site generator is built with JavaScript! I scripted out the crawl for metadata for collections on the fly using: Pinata, IPFS, and simple Axiom requests. This writes the data to a json file that is used on the frontend. The frontend is bootstrapped with Create React App and deployed on Skynet. Skynet cli was awesome -- super easy to use and add to my project.


ETHOnline 2021



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