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On chain board games! Chess, Checkers, TicTacToe, Connect-4, et..


onchainga.me screenshot 1
onchainga.me screenshot 2
onchainga.me screenshot 3

Problem Statement

This projects is an on chain game and utilizes the concept of dNFTs (Dynamic NFTs). The board game itself is written on chain as an SVG into a token's metadata. To play the game, players take turns sending transactions to the contract. There is no front end right now, the easiest way to do this is via Etherscan.The first game published is TicTacToe. Upcoming games are Chess, Checkers, Connect-4, etc. DM for access.Why did we put everything on chain (assets and game engine)? Because it's cool. It's cool that any Dapp that supports NFTs can very easily port in this game. Feel free to display and play these anywhere, including your website, metaverse parcels, digital galleries, etc.The full collection will be coming out soon!


This projects was built using SVGs, as they are cheapest (in terms of memory and gas cost) relative to other images. Putting anything on chain, is heavy. The games went through many optimizations (including both SVG and Solidity design).You can mint this collection on Eth, and then take it to any chain that is supported. This is a interchain collection, meaning you can move your assets to and back from whatever chain you please. This was accomplished using Hyperlane. Our contract extends their Router contract which allows you to send these nfts to whichever chains the contract is deployed on.The current supported testnet chains are Ethereum's Goerli, Polygon's Mumbai, and Optimism's Goerli. We deployed the original contract on Ethereum...because that's where are the blue chips are. This is as much a collectible as it is a playable NFT. As gas costs will be high to play the game on Ethereum, you may also move these NFTs to either Mumbai or Optimism Goerli. Supporting Polygon and Optimism is a no brainer because they are EVM chains (write once, deploy all evms) and our contract is written in solidity.Go play some games. We recommend pulling up the asset on opensea, and the contract on etherscan, side by side. We suggest you play it on Opensea because Opensea already has a web ui that displays these games after you mint. A lot of "Metaverses" or galleries such as Crypto Voxels or onCyber, actually fetch NFT image data from Opensea. One hack we've done is to listen to events emitted from the contract, and trigger a forced refresh of the asset, using the OpenSea API! This will help you and your friends achieve a more "real time" playing and watching experience!A front end is also in progress to help you make moves, find open games to join, and move your assets around easily.Get in touch if you want early access to the upcoming mainnet drop!


ETHSanFrancisco 2022



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