PLANETARY ID wallet --> Global Tax Protocol We are solving Identity worldwide building a new wallet for all to track our taxes, to collect taxation in all the entire planet Earth DAO.
Problem Statement
PLANETARY DAOTechnical White Paper2022-7-04Joanna A. Picetti§Global Tax Protocol v0.1Abstract. Global Taxation is the first protocol of Planetary DAO. It’s a protocol for collecting taxes worldwide and redistributing it in the communities that need the most, States, Nations, Regions, Planet. In a world where there is no trust, where there is corruption, where there are no transparent agreements between the public and private sectors, where there is an obsolete government in all the Nation States in the world, despite having the internet for almost 30 years, has not used technology to evolve our governments and our democracy. We are putting the government's spending and the taxations from organizations and people on the blockchain. The Global Fiscal Protocol is the first protocol to start organizing our planet and ourselves to build together a global government and a global digital jurisdiction of planet Earth. The protocol provides a framework for establishing social trust, using decentralized identity (DID) and verifiable credentials (VC) to establish real-world identity provenance. The biggest challenge we have to solve is our Planetary ID. For individuals, for organizations and for Nations States, altogether in the same reliable Jurisdiction. The protocol enables tax administration at a global level. Global Taxation and Planetary ID wallet system for all. Nations States, Companies and Sovereign Individuals that will have a Planet Earth Passport.IntroductionWe are at a crossroads in our government systems. The emergence of decentralized networks unlocks the potential for a future where Global Government can happen without the permission, participation, or benefit of federation states. Globally, more and more people are not exercising their right to vote because they don’t believe in anything. Democracy did not get an update since ancient greece.The reasons for that are the old world and the old institutions that we have, and also the corruption and the lack of transparency in all the transactions between Nation States and corporations. The common threads are Lack of trust in the system.The world is changing in every sense, the nature of relationships changes, the nature of business changes, the nature of money changes. It's an accelerated moment in history, everything is going exponential through technology but we are stuck in our political forms.Decentralized systems create a world that empowers individuals — one in which the right to engage to solve global issues and to lead a global government together. We have had the internet since 90’ almost 30 years and we have the same old fashioned structures in government that in ancient greece.Why we could’n use it to develop a new global government system for all?It’s also a world where internet access is the only fundamental infrastructure required to participate. An open, decentralized global government system will enable all people to exercise their power, to vote, to believe, to be part of the planet earth as Planetary citizens.Globally, securely, we are ready to add value to the planet with our taxation and our transparent transactions with each other. Beyond reinventing democracy itself, Smart contracts also have the ability to fundamentally reshape how the government infrastructure of the future can work.The global tax protocol allows the secure payment of taxes with your corresponding identity (planetary ID) whether you are a natural or legal person and a mechanism to allow planetary citizens and planetary companies to comply with laws and regulations.The Planetary ID protocol facilitates the formation of networks of mutual trust between counterparties that are not centrally controlled, it allows participants to negotiate trust directly with each other ( people, nations, states, jurisdictions, companies) or rely on mutually trusted third-parties to vouch for counterpartiesFoundational ConceptsTrustThe Global Tax protocol approaches trust differently than the federation taxations system in the sense that it does not utilize a trustless model.No interface with the fiat payment taxation system can be trustless, this descintevates the payment of taxation. The end point of the fiat taxation federation system will always be subject to regulation, and there will exist the potential for bad behavior on the part of counterparties.This means that any exchange of value must be fundamentally based on other means of governing trust — particularly reputation.The Global Tax protocol borrows heavily, if not completely, from well-established models of decentralizing trust, such as the public key infrastructure (PKI) that is used for securing the internet today.Building on top of Decentralized Identifiers (DID), this specification lays out a trust model in which trust is governed through disparate verifiers of trust; this is ultimately in the control of 2 individuals, implementers of ID wallets, and/or delegates of trust established by either group.The protocol itself does not rely on a federation to control permission or access to the network.The nature of this trust relationship is universal , we can build relationships, negotiate, make contracts and sign them, as individuals or as corporations between different agents, Nations States, Corporations, and people.Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. A DID refers to any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) determined by the controller of the DID. In contrast to typical federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so they may be decoupled from centralized registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities. Specifically, while other parties may be used to help enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the design enables the owner of a DID to prove control over it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs are Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) that associate a DID subject with a DID document, allowing trustworthy interactions associated with that subject.DIDs are linked to DID Documents, a metadata file that contains two primary data elements:Cryptographic material the DID owner can use to prove control over the associated DID (i.e. public keys and digital signatures)Routing endpoints for locations where one may be able to contact or exchange data with the DID owner (e.g. Identity Hub personal data storage and relay nodes)DID Methods may be implemented in very different ways, but the following are essential attributes of exemplar Methods (e.g. ION):● The system must be open, public, and permissionless.● The system must be robustly censorship resistant and tamper evasive.● The system must produce a record that is probabilistically finalized and independently, deterministically verifiable, even in the presence of segmentation, state withholding, and collusive node conditions.● The system must not be reliant on authorities, trusted third-parties, or entities that cannot be displaced through competitive market processes.Verifiable Credentials (VCs)Credentials are a part of our daily lives: driver's licenses are used to assert that we are capable of operating a vehicle; in this example we can lose points and reputation if we are making faults, we also have another kind of verifiable credentials like diplomas that are used to indicate the completion of degrees. In the realm of business there exist signed receipts for payments, consumer reviews of products, and countless assertions made between individuals and non-governmental parties. While all these credentials provide benefits to us within apps, platform silos, and isolated interactions, there exists no uniform, standardized means to convey generalized digital credentials that are universally verifiable across domains, federation boundaries, and the Web at large. In the case of the government, we are presenting our passport, our ID to interact with our Nations, pay taxation, voting, border crossing, medical records, driving licenses, etc..The Verifiable Credentials specification provides a standard way to express credentials across the digital world in a way that is cryptographically secure, privacy respecting, and machine verifiable. The addition of zero-knowledge proof (ZKProof) [3] cryptography to VC constructions (e.g. SNARK credentials) [4] can further advance privacy and safety by preventing linkability across disclosures, reducing the amount of data disclosed, and in some cases removing the need to expose raw data values at all.Planet Earth DAO and its respective protocols,Planetary ID wallets → (Planet Earth NFT Passports)Global Taxation ProtocolTo build → Global GovernmentSome core use cases of Planet Earth DAOLand registryTransparent gov spendingAutomated taxation Global TaxUBISome core use cases of Planet Earth NFT PassportsVotingTaxationBorder crossingMedical records(or you could get a loan, or purchase a house, etc… all you do in your Nation but worldwide)Planetary ID wallets → Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)CitizensCompaniesNations StatesData Integrity preventFake newsCampaign disinformationHacking databaseHacking the voting softwareAppendix*A digital identity wallet enables a user to establish relationships and interact with third parties in a trusted manner. It is a piece of software, which helps you to stay in control of your messaging, security, health records, privacy, purchases etc…“DECENTRALIZE IDENTITIES GIVES INDIVIDUALS CONTROL OVER THEIR OWN IDENTITY SO THAT THEY CAN DECIDE HOW THEIR PERSONAL INFORMATION IS SHARED AND ACCESSED, ENABLING TRUSTED INTERACTIONS WHILE PRESERVING PRIVACY. “KEY words: INDIVIDUALS CONTROL, ENABLING TRUSTED, SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUAL
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. A DID refers to any subject (e.g., a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, etc.) determined by the controller of the DID. In contrast to typical federated identifiers, DIDs have been designed so they may be decoupled from centralized registries, identity providers, and certificate authorities. Specifically, while other parties may be used to help enable the discovery of information related to a DID, the design enables the owner of a DID to prove control over it without requiring permission from any other party. DIDs are Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) that associate a DID subject with a DID document, allowing trustworthy interactions associated with that subject.DIDs are linked to DID Documents, a metadata file that contains two primary data elements:Cryptographic material the DID owner can use to prove control over the associated DID (i.e. public keys and digital signatures)Routing endpoints for locations where one may be able to contact or exchange data with the DID owner (e.g. Identity Hub personal data storage and relay nodes)DID Methods may be implemented in very different ways, but the following are essential attributes of exemplar Methods (e.g. ION):● The system must be open, public, and permissionless.● The system must be robustly censorship resistant and tamper evasive.● The system must produce a record that is probabilistically finalized and independently, deterministically verifiable, even in the presence of segmentation, state withholding, and collusive node conditions.● The system must not be reliant on authorities, trusted third-parties, or entities that cannot be displaced through competitive market processes.Verifiable Credentials (VCs)Credentials are a part of our daily lives: driver's licenses are used to assert that we are capable of operating a vehicle; in this example we can lose points and reputation if we are making faults, we also have another kind of verifiable credentials like diplomas that are used to indicate the completion of degrees. In the realm of business there exist signed receipts for payments, consumer reviews of products, and countless assertions made between individuals and non-governmental parties. While all these credentials provide benefits to us within apps, platform silos, and isolated interactions, there exists no uniform, standardized means to convey generalized digital credentials that are universally verifiable across domains, federation boundaries, and the Web at large. In the case of the government, we are presenting our passport, our ID to interact with our Nations, pay taxation, voting, border crossing, medical records, driving licenses, etc..The Verifiable Credentials specification provides a standard way to express credentials across the digital world in a way that is cryptographically secure, privacy respecting, and machine verifiable. The addition of zero-knowledge proof (ZKProof) [3] cryptography to VC constructions (e.g. SNARK credentials) [4] can further advance privacy and safety by preventing linkability across disclosures, reducing the amount of data disclosed, and in some cases removing the need to expose raw data values at all.Identity Data Storage - Wallet ID - Global tax Protocol
- joanna2028
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