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▦ Rush ⤽ 🎠 ⤼

Rush makes it easy for Defi users to use flasloans as a strategy. Flashloans allow you to borrow tokens and return them in the same transaction. This allows defi uses an alternative to make extra returns when used properly.


▦ Rush ⤽ 🎠 ⤼ screenshot 1
▦ Rush ⤽ 🎠 ⤼ screenshot 2
▦ Rush ⤽ 🎠 ⤼ screenshot 3
▦ Rush ⤽ 🎠 ⤼ screenshot 4
▦ Rush ⤽ 🎠 ⤼ screenshot 5

Problem Statement

Rush is a product that interacts with Aave v3 Core lending pool to borrow assets using flashloan contracts. Defi users can rely on simple tools to borrow crypto assets. Sometimes borrowing assets can be a financial burden to you. When you borrow assets traditionally you are at risk of a forced liquiditation to pay off outstanding debt when the maket movements are against you. This will lead to max losses on your porfolio. Rush Flashloans provides an efficient way to benefit from your current borrowing positions. If you supplied collateral on Aave, then flahloans might benefit you. We want all the Defi users without any technical backgrounds to learn how to use flashloans without complications. We want to ensure Rush provides secure contracts to flashloan with Aave lending pools. Flashloans allow users to stay debt free. You only have to pay a flashloan premium fee currently at 0.09%.


▦ We used Aave V3 Core contracts to build Rush ▦ We use Optimism Goerli for testing ▦ We deployed two contracts ↳▦1. RushFlashLoan ↳ For borrowing multiple tokens ↳▦2. RushSimpleFlashLoan ↳ For borrowing a single token ▦ We supply liquidity to aave and received atokens ↳ ▧ We call .flashloan( ) on the lendign pool contract ↳ ▦ Our receiver will be the RushFlashloan contract we deployed ▦ We can borrow tokens by providing an array of token addresses and amounts. ▦ With enough net worth collateral you can borrow millions. ▦ Later we can deploy some Yearn Vaults and add flashloans strategies that is controlled by the governance. ↳ We didn't have enough time to build a front end so we wish to make Rush front end available for users and make flashloans cool.


ETHOnline 2022



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