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Secured Finance


A protocol for financial transactions backed by crypto-assets


Secured Finance screenshot 1
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Secured Finance screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Secured Finance is a layer 1, on-chain institutional-grade financial transaction platform with automatic collateral management and mark-to-market mechanisms.With this protocol, we built scalable, flexible, decentralized peer-to-peer markets for loans, deposits, FX, and FX Forwards and then we will add swaps and options as we progress.We designed a protocol using accumulated wisdom of 40-years of the financial industry that manages 600 trillions of dollars of OTC derivatives, and we make such a great interbank system open to the public.You can do the following traditional financial transactions with various formats. List of formats and examples is shown below. We can also create innovative structured products by combining these plain-vanilla transactions.Loan (FIL loan backed by ETH)Deposit (FIL deposit to earn interest)Swap (FIL/ETH cross-currency swap) <---- ETHOnline primary focusOption (FIL/ETH European call option)FX (OTC block trade to avoid market impact)FX Forward (Hedge currency rate risk)Zero-coupon BondTarget UserMiners who want to borrow/lend their FIL without worrying about credit riskInvestors who have long-term view and aim for excess return from marketsHedgers who want to reduce their current exposure of their crypto-assetsArbitragers who want to profit by providing liquidity to collateralized assets


Key ComponentsPayment management smart contractCollateral management smart contractLiquidity management to support margin call operationsLoan, Deposit, Cross-currency Swap, FX, FX Forward smart contractEcosystem design of primary & secondary market on financial transactionsTechnologies and ToolsFilecoin and USDC for main payment currencyEthereum for collateral management smart contract written in SolidityFleek and IPFS to develop web applicationReact or other front-end framework for UIDID with ION or Elements for Identity management and KYC/AML complianceCore Architecturehttps://github.com/Secured-Finance/secured-finance-docs/tree/master/basics

