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We are creating a utility platform where creators can promote their NFTs and users can play games and earn rewards. We will be creating small games that developers can directly integrate with their applications, which will be based on web3.


ShortGames screenshot 1
ShortGames screenshot 2
ShortGames screenshot 3
ShortGames screenshot 4

Problem Statement

Greetings from the team SolidGames. We are creating small utility games which can be integrated with any platform using small code. It will help users to have a record of their game on blockchain by that they can use it cross-platform. We will be providing users POAP based on their active and scoring patterns. We have created two games in this hackathon period. The live demo site is created to demonstrate the use case of the integration of the games. The NFT creators can promote their collection in it and get users for the GiveAway using the games as a challenge. They can get the user's reports after give away time ends.


We have created two games. User's data to store games score and giveaway eligibility will be stored on the smart contract which is deployed on the polygon. Every collection's details will be also stored using the smart contract and the collection image, as well as the game assets, will be stored on the IPFS. We are providing POAP to the user base on their performance and activity. We have also implemented tableland to store the data related to the user and their gameplay to get reports for the giveaways.


HackFS 2022



  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ POAP — Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🔟 Spheron — Top 10 project
