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Split Protocol


A DeFi protocol which lets you manage shared expenses. Unique about it is that everyone can pay their split in any token out there.


Split Protocol screenshot 1
Split Protocol screenshot 2
Split Protocol screenshot 3
Split Protocol screenshot 4
Split Protocol screenshot 5
Split Protocol screenshot 6

Problem Statement

The Split Protocol is a DeFi protocol which lets you manage shared expenses. It acts as an intermediary that collects everyones split and makes a single transfer once the target amount has been reached. But what makes this truly special is that everyone can pay their split in any token out there because the protocol automatically swaps any input token to the recipientโ€™s preferred token which would bring the adoption of an expense sharing application to a whole different level.With the Split Protocol the days of missing liquidity due to one of your friends not paying you back for months are over. Even more so the chance of not getting paid back by someone you lend money doesn't even exist anymore. It makes all that possible whilst having no disadvantages to the recipient at all. The recipient does, once an expense is settled, conveniently receive everything in a single transfer in his/her preferred token.


We first created the design for the website using Figma. Based on that we started building a Next.js dApp with TypeScript and tailwindcss. In parallel our smart contract developers created the smart contracts in Solidity that would be necessary to make our idea work. Hardhat has been used on their end to assist the development. For the wallet connection RainbowKit is used. Furthermore wagmi.sh and ethers.js are the libraries that help in the communication between the frontend and the smart contracts. In order to make the swapping functionality possible, we rely on Uniswap v3's protocols. The correct spot prices are displayed with the help of the Uniswap SDK. We are using Polygon as a L2 and developed a subgraph for The Graph to make our data fetching more efficient which we plan on integrating in the frontend soon. Last but not least we deployed our dApp to IPFS with the help of Fleek and our smart contracts have been deployed to the Polygon Mumbai testnet.


HackFS 2022



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