Streaming live events in a decentralised manner. Owning the events you stream.

Problem Statement
Stream Scream is a decentralized platform for all game teams to share their games LIVE. You can create the stream now or schedule the stream for later. You can watch the live stream happening at the moment or view previous recordings. at will. This stream has no time limit and can be viewed by anyone who has booked to watch the stream. Watch streams happening on the other side of the world and never miss your favorite sports or athlete shows wherever you are. You can extend that application to live stream games currently being played in schools, neighborhoods, or parks. The moderator may have the right to make her NFT of certain parts of the video. This can be sold to users who want artwork based on their experience.
A decentralized platform for streaming games live. The platform allows gamers and players of all sports to share their games, share matches live with the world, stream tournaments, and more. Users can join live sessions, watch past recordings, and buy NFTs released by their favorite teams.