
Problem Statement
The project is intended to be a simulator for playing a billiards game on-chain. Before actually creating a billiards game that users can play against each other, I needed to actually build the entire framework for creating the game...from placing the balls and obstacles to handling all the trigonometry involved with elastic collision.This was no easy task, but I think I've put on display what can be possible for a physics engine on-chain. I hope you will enjoy the effort I have put into this project!
This project was written in Sway (i.e. Fuel's native language). Having to write almost 1000 lines of code meant that I could basically only write the smart contract and library code needed to build a billiards game. I hope this will serve as inspiration for future developers to build on top of! Really excited for this :)
ETHSanFrancisco 2022
- alphak3y
13 contributions