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TruStore is a receipt & review protocol for stationary stores that uses Proof of Humanity and also allows web2 users to make use of it


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Problem Statement

TruStore is all about reliable store reviews and indisputable transaction history. It relies on Proof of Transaction & Proof of Humanity at its core, it allows only real customers to review the store. In TruStore we believe in mass adoption of web3 and that's why it can be used by crypto as well as non-crypto users thanks to our open API. Non Crypto stores can make use of our API to submit transactions making use of SKALE zero gas fees and generate a receipts that can be saved on non-crypto user devices. Our app is modular and our API can be integrated in different apps : banking apps, asset management apps, etc.


True store has 3 components : TruStore Server : submits transactions and processes receipts, provides the core API of our protocol, even allowing web2 users to make use of it TruStore UI : We wanted to use a mobile app so that users can carry it on their smartphones wherever they go TruStore Subgraph : indexes transactions of our contract and acts as the main database of the protocolSponsors Tech :Skale: Skale is at the core of our protocol because of its zero gas fees, which allow us to submit any number of transactions without asking users for funds or require stores to pay per transactionWorldcoin Users can make use of other features such as (receipt-message system, active transaction list retrieval, and Tax Declaration API) if they are verified on our protocol. We add this layer of verification using Worldcoin's Proof Of Humanity. The whole worldcoin protocol is replicated into skale and a server that mints temporary identities is enabled ( for development purposes )ENS When the user heads to the store, it is MORE CONVENIENT to give an ENS handle instead of a long hexadecimal number Verified users can send receipts to their friends through XMTP, ENS is useful for resolving the receiver addressIpfs We use ipfs decentralized storage to store the receipts generated from our api, this files can be sent to other users and they can access them wherever they areXMTP Sometimes when we go on a group meal we need to take a picture of the receipt and send to our group, with XMTP integrated in our protocol, users are able to perform this with 2 clicks. No worries about pictures of your receipts, just ask your friend whats her ENS or Address and you are all setThe Graph Receipts listed on our app are indexed using the graph. It is at the core of our protocol because it allows users to see the list of their transactions and stores to perform further data handling (TBD) Without the graph users wouldn't be able to see their transactions within seconds on their phones.


ETHSanFrancisco 2022



  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🏊‍♂️ Worldcoin — Pool Prize

  • 🏆

    🤝 SKALE — Best Partner Integration
