Multi-chain DeFi Protocol that will allow regular users & professionals to create automated crypto portfolios, indexes and other financial products in a few simple clicks. We utilize modern portfolio theory and yield farming to deliver additional yield.

Problem Statement
Our multi-chain DeFi protocol helps people create crypto portfolios, indexes & other financial products with additional yield- right at the tips of their fingers. You can make your own or have one generated for you. The possibilities are endless. We utilize portfolio theory and yield farming to improve risk-reward profile & amplify your returns.At Velvet.Capital our mission is to bring financial freedom- free of intermediaries and centralized parties- to the next billion crypto users. The vision is to be the #1 multi-chain platform to manage all of your digital assets. We want people to reclaim the custody of their assets and get the returns they deserve! The world is a better place when everyone has a fair shake at building the life they deserve. At Velvet.Capital we value people, fairness and transparency greatly.
Polygon - Blockchain network for smart contract deployment. optimism - Blockchain network for smart contract deployment. Gnosis Safe - MultiSig wallet IPFS - Deployed the UI (react app) on fleek 1inch : API for converting any token to Matic token via 1inch API on our dashboard Uniswap : Liquidity provider for portfolio token swap from Matic token Covalent - Data provider to fetch token holder and other data points ChainLink - Oracle solution provider via API Pocket - RPC provider Tenderly - Txn monitoring dashboard provider Wallet Connect - Wallet Provider Gnosis Chain - Blockchain network for cotract deployment
ETHNewYork 2022
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🚀 Optimism — Just Deploy!